PAD and Your Feet


Anyone who has been diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is well aware that this disease can lead to poor circulation in your legs and feet. High cholesterol intake and other fatty deposits (plague) can cause blockages in your arteries and reduces normal blood flow throughout the body especially your feet. This ultimately results in poor or slow healing, slow growth of toenails, cramping, and other serious health concerns. Even a minor foot injury or condition can have detrimental effects on your foot health. At Foot and Ankle Associates, LLP, we want our patients with PAD to have the best care to avoid serious complications. Frequent check-ups with your podiatrist can yield the best results.

 Here are some ways to reduce your chances of getting PAD:

  • Daily inspection. Regular checkups can help spot anything unusual such as warts, corns, blisters, cuts, calluses, swelling, or other infections. Proper care and timely treatment can help prevent these disorders from becoming serious.

  • Practice good hygiene. A key measure to achieving good food health is to practice good foot hygiene. Wash your feet daily with soap and warm water. Dry your feet especially between the toes in order to avoid any fungal infection.

  • Moisturize your feet. Drink plenty of water and moisturize your feet properly to help keep your skin fresh and hydrated.

  • Proper Trim. Cut your toenails straight across to help prevent ingrown toenails.

  • Do not walk barefoot. Avoid walking barefoot to help reduce the risks of scrapes and open wound injuries.

  • Proper footwear. Opt for shoes that are comfortable, fitted, and are activity-specific.

 If you are suffering from PAD and experiencing unusual burning and itching in your legs and feet, call Foot and Ankle Associates, LLP with offices located in Greenville (302) 652-5767 and Newark (302) 633-1300, DE and Kennett Square (610) 444-6520, West Grove (610) 345-0222, Garnet Valley (610) 459-3288, PA. Our team of foot doctors can help you prevent serious PAD complications. Contact any of our offices for an appointment.