4 Tips For Winter-Ready Feet


With the winter season upon us, it’s time to finally say goodbye to your sandals/flip-flops and put on those perfect pair of boots. At Foot and Ankle Associates, LLP we know how the drop in temperature during this time of the year can present its own set of challenges for our feet.

Here are a few key tips on how to make sure your feet are ‘winter ready.'

1.     A daily ritual- Foot bath & moisturize your feet:

Wash your feet with warm water and soap every day. Dry them thoroughly especially between the toes. Apply a moisturizer on your (slightly damp) feet so that the skin stays soft and flexible. Make it a daily ritual so that your skin stays clean and hydrated.

2.     Watch out for blisters:

During the peak time of Christmas festivities and New Year celebrations, we tend to use our feet more than usual. This can take a toll on our feet. So be prepared for blisters from shoes that may rub you the wrong way. If you are looking for a quick fix, make a trip to the nearest pharmacy for a well-cushioned blister plaster to help ease the pain.  Never pop a blister on your own because it can lead to infections. Schedule a checkup with your foot doctor.

3.     Take care of your nails:

Do not forget about clipping your toenails regularly. Always cut them straight across and use a file to soften the edges. It’s easy to forget about your toenails when they are nicely tucked away in a pair of warm, cozy socks.

4.      Choose proper footwear:

The harsh weather in winter requires one to wear appropriate shoes. Opt for shoes that have a ‘deep toe-box,' provide support, and offers protections. If your toes can move freely in shoes without feeling restricted, this qualifies as a good fit. Shoes pick up bacteria and other toxins, be sure to air them out properly.

If you have any concerns about your feet this winter season or any underlying foot and ankle problems, our team of foot doctors can help your feet have a happy and healthy winter. Contact us to schedule an appointment or visit any of our five convenient offices located in Kennett Square, Garnet Valley, West Grove, PA and Newark and Greenville, DE.