Preparing To Meet Your Podiatrist


Visiting a podiatrist is the first step to ensuring that your feet get the requisite care and treatment that is necessary to keep them fit and active.  

At Foot and Ankle Associates, LLP we encourage our patients to make the most of their appointment and leave satisfied, with their questions answered and their concerns addressed. 

A little preparation goes a long way in knowing the problem and protecting your feet in the right manner. Here a few questions that you need to answer first so that your podiatrist can diagnose your condition: 

  • Where is pain located? Identifying the painful areas (heels, ankles, joints, toes, nails etc.) can point your podiatrist in the right direction.

  • What is the frequency of pain? Is it constant or does it appears in intervals? This might help in determining your rest and activity levels.

  • What is the intensity of pain? The type of pain you experience (throbbing, sharp, piercing, burning etc.) is useful in establishing the foot condition and advising the appropriate foot treatment.

  • When does the pain get worse? If walking or working out aggravates your pain, it is recommended that you bring your shoes along as well. Your footwear impacts your feet directly.

  • Do you get any relief from pain? The measures you take to mitigate the pain (for example resting, elevating your feet, applying compression, ice packing, or taking oral medication) should also be shared with your podiatrist. 

It is important that your podiatrist should be made aware of any previous history that you may have like injuries, other diseases, and medical records.  Any reports, tests or prescriptions should be brought along for the visit as well. 

Feel free to contact our Greenville (302) 652-5767 and Newark (302) 633-1300, DE and Kennett Square (610) 444-6520, West Grove (610) 345-0222, Garnet Valley (610) 459-3288, PA offices or schedule an appointment. Our highly-qualified foot doctors, Dr. Albert Iannucci, Dr. Katherine Sydnor, Dr. Richard Conti, Dr. Victor Nippert, Dr. Sharon Anghel, and Dr. Geoffrey Schilling can help conduct a thorough assessment of your feet and best determine the future course of treatment for your foot condition(s).