Watch Out For These 4 Running Injuries


One may consider running to be a healthy exercise and an effective source of stress relief. However, one has to be cautious while running; otherwise exercise can turn into injury and relief can become a pain, even misery.

Here are some of the most common running injuries:

1.      Stress fractures – intensified workout routines and the constant impact of activity can cause small cracks to appear in any of the weight-bearing bones of the body and lead to stress fractures. It is one the most common and frustrating injuries a runner can face. A podiatrist can best determine the precise location and severity of your stress fracture, as well as what countermeasures would yield the best results.

2.      Achilles tendinitis – a majority of runners are affected by this injury, which results in swelling of the Achilles tendon due to excessive stress. This can lead to severe pain, irritation especially along the back of the foot.

3.      Shin splints – also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, occurs when the tissue around the shin bone (tibia) becomes inflamed.

4.      Plantar fasciitis – is usually a common complaint among runners. Working long hours while standing, obesity and non-supportive footwear can cause severe pain, discomfort, inflammation, and tearing of the plantar fascia.

If you experience chronic pain in your feet and ankle joints every time you go jogging and running, see a podiatrist. The key is to recognize an injury early and get prompt care to keep it from getting worse.

If any sports-related injury is keeping you away from running, or you have any underlying foot and ankle problem, call Foot and Ankle Associates, LLP with offices in Greenville (302) 652-5767 and Newark (302) 633-1300, DE and Kennett Square (610) 444-6520, West Grove (610) 345-0222, Garnet Valley (610) 459-3288, PA. Dr. Albert Iannucci and our team of highly-qualified foot doctors can help you prevent any running injury. We specialize in a multitude of foot and ankle problems such as wound management, orthotics & braces, neuromas, blisters, heel pain, peripheral neuropathy, children’s foot care, and diabetic foot problems. Contact us at any of the five numbers listed above to schedule an appointment.