Did You Know How Beneficial Orthotic Inserts Are For Your Feet?


Whenever we hear someone complaining of pain or discomfort in their feet, one of the first few things that come to mind is “Orthotic Inserts.” These devices are great support for the feet and are usually available in both, standard and customized forms. 

Thanks to these inserts, our feet can be protected from a diverse range of foot and ankle problems. Not only do they enhance foot health, but they also strengthen the feet so that they function properly. 

Here are some of the benefits of orthotic inserts that you should know: 

  • Pain relievers: Orthotic inserts provide the much needed cushioning that soothes our feet and alleviates pain not only from our feet and ankles but our knees, hips, and lower back as well.

  • Posture correctors: By distributing weight and pressure along our feet, orthotic inserts provide the perfect platform for us to correct our posture. Furthermore, they help in getting rid of any awkward walking styles that we may resort to in order to avoid pains.

  • Arch and heel protectors: Custom orthotic devices are excellent safeguards for our heels and arches as they ensure that our feet get the right support needed for proper balance.

  • Balance restoration: Stability and balance are essential characteristics of custom orthotic inserts. They provide the necessary support for our feet to carry out routine tasks with ease and comfort.

  • Rectify foot deformities: Custom orthotic devices an correct bunions, abnormal joint structures, and other bone protrusions. They also prevent such conditions from further aggravation. 

    With our fast-paced lifestyles, we need to ensure that our feet are safe and healthy. At Foot and Ankle Associates, LLP, we provide treatments for a myriad of foot problems like pains, fractures, sprains, bone deformities, ligament, and tendons damage and more. Consult our podiatrists, Dr. Albert Iannucci, Dr. Katherine Sydnor, Dr. Richard Conti, Dr. Victor Nippert, Dr. Sharon Anghel, and Dr. Geoffrey Schilling for any feet related concerns or visit our offices at Greenville (302) 652-5767 and Newark (302) 633-1300, DE and Kennett Square (610) 444-6520, West Grove (610) 345-0222, Garnet Valley (610) 459-3288, PA for more information on foot health.