4 Ways to Care For Your Feet This Holiday Season


With the holiday season upon us, the seasonal celebrations and chores can take a lot out of your feet. There is a myriad of activities that can have your feet working overtime. At Foot and Ankle Associates, LLP we want our patients to enjoy the holiday cheer and have their feet go the distance this festive season. No matter how busy the holiday season may be, it is important that you practice good foot care.

Here are some of the ways to take care of your feet this holiday season:

1. Conduct a daily visual inspection of your feet. This practice helps you spot anything unusual such as warts, bunions, hammertoes, blisters, and cuts. Use a mirror if necessary. For those with diabetes, this practice is of key importance.

2. Moisturize your feet on a daily basis to help avoid dry and cracked skin.

3. Wear activity-specific shoes to help ward off any foot problems. The right shoe provides the necessary comfort and safety. Throw away any ill-fitted or worn out shoes. When making a new shoe purchase, always remember to get your feet measured by a professional. Our feet swell up as the day progresses, so if you want to make a shoe purchase, the evenings are the best time for the perfect shoe fit.

4. For most women, there’s nothing that makes more perfect sense than pulling out those high heels, this party season. However, if you are going to wear high heels, limit their time to a minimum. The narrow toe boxes can lead to a number of foot problems such as bunions and hammertoes.

The festive season is a time for family and celebration. However, these fun-filled activities can lead to a number of severe foot problems. If you notice any early signs of foot pain, it is important that you seek advice from a professional foot doctor.

At Foot and Ankle Associates, LLP our team of highly-qualified podiatrists are committed to providing the best solutions to cater to each individual’s needs. For more information on foot care and foot health, call (610) 444-6520 or schedule an appointment at our offices located in Newark and Greenville, DE and Garnet Valley, Kennett Square and West Grove, PA